Leanne, Grandaughter 5th January 2021

My Nana was the kindest, most loving woman who was always there for me with advice, cuddles and just whenever I needed her throughout my life. Growing up, she came to my dance shows, gymnastic displays, sports days, graduation and so the list goes on. We spent so many other happy times together including frequent Saturdays in my teens when I would “kidnap” her for the day. Andrew and I often stayed overnight at her house when we were little and we relished the time with her and my Papa. We were truly spoilt both with their time and attention as well as countless sweet treats every time an advert came on the TV on a Saturday night. I am extremely lucky to have so many joyful memories and these will help me through the times to come when I know I will miss her so much. I was also very fortunate, that my own children got to spend lots of time with her and loved her as much as I did. They spent fun times on visits to the Beeches playing hide-and-seek, racing down the corridors with Great Nana in tow, playing games, getting wet with the silver ball fountain and racing leaves down the river in the garden. Harrison, Sienna and Lauren speak about Great Nana often even though they are still so young because the times they had with her were always filled with fun and laughter. She was a very special lady who could be as crazy as they come and she brought joy to so many people throughout her life but especially mine